
The abstractions
slyly eluded
my two small hands
and hid away
from any solution
I could offer.

- Abstractions II -

There are days
when the earth and my hands shake
after each step I take.

I don a furrowed brow
and carry a frown.
(I feel like a ghost-wraith,
invisibly passing through
the hungry crowds.)

I feel alone.
I know no other can feel
the earth shake as I can.
And I fear the hallows beneath
my feet
might soon split and break
(like my empty heart).

The birds in the horizon
chirp and beg and pray to me.
"Don't fade! Don't fade! Don't fade!"
they cry to me.

And I wonder
if anybody
aside from myself
can hear their warnings.
I wonder if any kind soul
is willing to quiet themselves
and hear the earth and birds
cry warnings of my pain
that I am too ashamed to speak
and help me.

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