- These Hands -

My hands are lucid at times,
soft and translucent,
permeable to the summer night air,
yet can violate earth and sky,
pluck the stars from their places
and rearrange the
in the shape of my dreams.

- This Voice -

I have been wrong, lacking the softness, grace, and
finality of decision
I know exists within
this flicker of flame.

My temperment could use mending,
I know.
Yet in begging forgiveness from Life
for my misfortunes,
I came to understand
Life does not know sin.
Life does not know hell.

Life boggled at me whilst it
danced its merry jig.
And Life was happy I had come
to join in singing her song.
(Come sing with us, little sister!)

"You have such a lovely voice,"
Life mused.

And I let myself be
brave, innocent,
loud and silent,
strong and soft.

I was a little late in joining the dance,
Yet lonely nevermore.
My temperment still needs mending,
I know.
Yet, I never did anything wrong.
Life does not understand wrongness,
Only weakness.

"Let time do the mending,"
Life insisted.
"And time I have plenty.."

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