- Conversation Between Father and Daughter -

(Phone rings.)
Father: Hello?
Daughter: Dad?
Father: Yes?
Daughter: You didn't even say goodbye.
Father: You didn't give me a chance.
Daughter: You should have tried to, at least.
Father: You never would have let me.
Daughter: But you didn't even try.
Father: You never would have heard it even if I said it.
Daughter: Yes, I would have.
Father: Are you sure?
Daughter: Yes. You're important to me.
Father: You never told me.
Daughter: You're my father. Of course you're important to me.
Father: But you hate me.
Daughter: I don't hate you. I hate myself for letting you affect me.
Father: Tell me why should I even try?
Daughter: Because I still cry when I think of you.
Father: Isn't this what you wanted?
Daughter: No. You had to leave because it was necessary.
Father: Necessary for whom?
Daughter: For me, for mom, for our sanity.
Father: I don't see why I should even bother.
Daughter: I miss you.

Daughter: Dad?

Daughter: Daddy?

Daughter: Talk to me, please...

Daughter: Dad? I love you...

(Dial tone is heard. Caller calls again and answering machine takes the call.)

Daughter: Dad? Hello?

Daughter: Daddy?

Daughter: Pick up. Pick up, please.

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